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The TPP 誇太平洋夥伴協定is passed, and not ratified

Project Gutenberg is concerned about a new international treaty, the Trans-Pacific Partnership. The treaty text is online at . It includes a section on "Intellectual Property" which would force copyright term extensions and other restrictions on the public domain. Visit for some analysis of the TPP's negative impacts. The TPP has been signed, but not ratified within signatory countries. There is time to make your views known to your lawmakers.

Self-Publishing Portal

Visit to see how Project Gutenberg is facilitating online publishing by contemporary authors. This new service is bringing the Project Gutenberg moniker to authors in virtually any genre or subject. The portal is open at and invites all readers and publishers. All items are free to download and share. There is also an RSS feed.

Loss of Project Gutenberg's founder, Michael S. Hart (1947-2011)

Project Gutenberg's founder, Michael Hart, passed away September 6, 2011. Here is our brief obituary and related documents.



麥克哈特自承, 他祗是在恰當的空間, 合適的時間, 在恰好的環境下, 構思出古騰堡計晝。

古騰堡計畫的作品都是免費的,任何人都可以自由取用及再散布, 倘若修改其內容或格式, 則不可使用古騰堡計畫之名。

俄國人萊蒙托夫(Mikhail Lermontov1814-1841)

早年, 每本書都需要逐字鍵入, 現在則採用字元辨識技術, 時間及成本都大幅下降, 祗需要校對及編輯的工夫。




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